The impacts of COVID-19 and the introduction of new technology have changed the landscape of the events world. The highly used platform, Zoom could give unforeseen stress to some. These tips and tricks can make using it a breeze!
Waiting Rooms
As an added security feature, you have the option to enable waiting rooms to individually admit participants into a meeting. This can prevent so-called “Zoom Bombings” and ensure your event stays on task! As an added option you even have the option to send messages to those in the waiting room to ensure they can “re-name” themselves to match the name on the roster. To enable this option:
Breakout Rooms
Zoom has the added feature to place participants into “breakout rooms” to further encourage dialogue. To create these rooms:
Setting Up Registration Links
To help you gauge the number of participants you may have in your meeting, Zoom has the option for guests to register ahead of time. This will also allow you to create breakout rooms ahead of time on the zoom website as mentioned above. To create a link:
Customizing Registration Links
You can actually also add some touched to your registration link to make it fit in more with your company or event! This can include adding images such as a company logo, or a custom message with more event information.
Locking a Meeting & Removing Participants
To assist you ensure your meeting has added security, you have the option to permanently remove participants (such as Zoom Bombers) from joining and even disabling the join meeting option!
Recording Sessions (Local & CLOUD)
As participants may not always be able to attend your event, you can record your event and have the option to share your recording with attendees. To do so:
Polling Question
Zoom has an added feature to help ask questions or simply gauge the mood of a room with polling questions. These can be given out during a Zoom session, and then have shared results with all attendees.
Participant Interactive Buttons
To better see how your Zoom room is, or to get reactions, Zoom has added a set of reaction buttons for attendees.
Recurring Meetings
To help save time when setting up meetings, you can select “recurring meetings” so that guests can join a Zoom session using the same link, even if they are occurring days apart.
Written by: Paul Lee
We’ve all seen the graphic that shows a circle that represents your comfort zone and outside of that is another circle that represents where the magic happens. The question then becomes, how do we get there? How do we jump into the magical bubble?
Not every person who works in the events industry is an outgoing extrovert who has a seemingly wide comfort zone circle. This may come as a surprise considering the events industry thrives on bringing people together and collaborating with teams of people. For those of us who are introverts, working in this kind of world can be somewhat intimidating. That’s why it is important for people working on events to prioritize professional development that focuses on escaping your comfort zone.
Facing Fear
Networking, public speaking, delivering bad news, and even initiating small talk are common anxieties in many workplaces. What if I’m no good? What if I embarrass myself? What if people won’t like me? These questions are asked by our fear. If you want to eliminate fear, if you want to grow outside of your comfort zone, there are a couple of things you can try:
As we all grow out of our comfort zones and expand into the place where the magic happens, it is important to also practice forgiveness. This journey will likely not be linear. But what matters is the time and effort that you are putting in on enhancing yourself.
Information provided by:
Green, Sarah, host. “Escape Your Comfort Zone.” HBR Ideacast, Harvard Business Review, 9 February 2017.
With my second year at DU just a few weeks away from being completed, I have attended, worked, and helped plan over 80 events. These events range from small business meetings for external companies, to a 90’s themed event for students complete with jumpers, a gourmet French fry food truck, and a fanny pack decoration table (yes, it was as incredible as it sounds!). Seeing these events come to life on campus has made me realize what a wonderful place DU is, and how perfect it can be for an event venue. Living and working on campus has given me a unique perspective that I am excited to share with you! I’m going to give you the inside scoop of what exactly makes DU a special place to host events.
The Campus
When I was making my college decision two years ago, I knew that DU has a great business school, but one of the main things that sealed the deal for me was just how beautiful the campus is. Nearly every building is made of beautiful red brick, which I believe truly matches the Denver aesthetic. A few of them even have different colored towers and domes that can be seen across campus and from the city. Not only do the buildings look classy, but DU is also designated as the Chester A. Alter Arboretum, so there’s a large variety of beautiful trees around campus. Add to this the tranquil water features between the library and the school of International Studies, and you have a space that makes for incredible photos! Whether you’re getting married or hosting an educational conference, your guests won’t want to stop taking pictures, and neither will you!
The Food
I’m a college student, so of course I have to mention food! Typically, the food for most of the events on campus is provided by our catering company, Flavours by Sodexo. As an Intern for the Conference and Event Services team, I have been able to attend many events that have used Flavours by Sodexo catering. I have also had the privilege of attending their tasting events where they introduce new items on the menu. Not only is the food absolutely incredible, but the presentation is stunning, making for Instagram-worthy photos! Events in the Fritz Knoebel School of Hospitality Management however, have food prepared by their own Knoebel Events staff. The food prepared by Knoebel Events is just as mouthwatering. I have personally worked on their banquet staff for over a year now so I’ve had the chance to taste most of the food on the menu, and they have a wonderful variety! Both Sodexo and Knoebel Events are extremely cautious when it comes to allergens too; when made aware of allergies beforehand, they will be sure to have a special dish ready for the guests who need it. Whether your event is catered by Sodexo or prepared by Knoebel Events, your guests will be sure to leave with full, satisfied bellies!
The Possibilities
At DU, you aren’t limited to a couple of classrooms or a gym when you book a space for an event. There is such a wide variety of venue spaces that can accommodate any kind of event! We’ve hosted high school robotics competitions, outdoor concerts, weddings, and even held a presidential debate in 2012! Even after living on campus for two years, there are still spaces that I “discover” all the time that are just calling out for an event to be held there. Whatever your event dreams, we have the perfect space for it!
These three things are just a glimpse of what makes events at DU so special, and I hope that you’ll personally come discover everything else that the campus has to offer soon!
Written by: Hannah Hinds
The impact of COVID-19 has sparked a new way of thinking about event planning and event management. For an industry that thrives on bringing people together, the events world has adjusted to creatively continue gatherings by hosting them online.
There are a lot of benefits and challenges that virtual events present. We break it down for you and highlight some of the key things to consider when going virtual.
Benefits of a Virtual Event
You don’t have to cancel
There is nothing more disappointing than working tirelessly on an event and then it cancels. If you are able to pivot from in-person to online, it allows you the opportunity to still connect with your audience.
Potential for a broader audience
A venue can seat a certain capacity, however with online events you are able to stretch your guest count. You can also reach a wider range of people from different states or counties who might not have been able to travel for an event.
Putting your creative hat on
Hosting virtual events is new for many people so it allows the opportunity to really think creatively. Finding ways to deliver your content to your audience does not have to entirely be limited to the World Wide Web. Mail materials to your audience ahead of the event so they can be more engaged during the program. Do a drive-by to promote your event to the locals in your community.
Challenges of a Virtual Event
Engaging the audience
It is easy to zone out while in a Zoom meeting, so it is important to think about how you can make your audience interact during your virtual event. Introductions beforehand (depending on the size of the audience) along with a fun fact may be a good icebreaker to get people comfortable talking. Point out the raise hand or the Q&A features on Zoom so that the introverted guests have an option of getting their voices heard. Changing up the screen views will also help keep your event from becoming stale.
Standing out in the sea of online invites
First impressions are everything. Put thoughtful time into marketing your event so that it grabs people’s attention and makes them want to carve out a moment of their day to get online with you. Communicate reminders to make sure your guests don’t forget about your event too.
Quick Tips
“It was the time when they loved each other best, without hurry or excess, when both were most conscious of and grateful for their incredible victories over adversity.”
― Gabriel García Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera
The inescapable truth surrounding 2020 weddings is many of them will look different from what was originally planned. Couples have pivoted from having family and friends gather together to watch the exchange of forever’s in person, to digital congregations of eyes watching from their screens in their own homes. Some couples have chosen to entirely postpone their big day, while others obliged to physical distancing practices and had incredibly intimate ceremonies. No matter the path chosen, the difficulty of quick adjustments is an added stress during an already tense time.
It is important to remember however, that during this time of disappointment from changed or cancelled plans, love remains constant. Love is not cancelled and will continue to be the light that lifts you up. While formal celebrations of love have been put on hold for the time being, it doesn’t mean love cannot still be celebrated. The simplest way is by telling someone–a partner, a parent, a sibling, a friend, anyone who holds a place in your heart, “I love you”. Showing your love doesn’t always mean speaking your love. Cook your special someone a meal. Write a thoughtful note and send it. Be an active listener while they share about their day. These gestures allow love to fully bloom.
We continue to think about the time when we will be able to reconnect in person, gather together to celebrate love and the unifying of two hearts in our quaint Evans Memorial Chapel. We miss showing you the beautiful space and being a part of your special day. Until the moment arrives when we can celebrate in person, let us celebrate you from afar! Thank you for continuing to call and inquire. Thank you for your continued support on our social media pages. Thank you for keeping love alive!
See you soon!
CES Wedding Team